With the advanced technology and an increasing number of options to choose from, braces are now becoming more popular with adults who want a better smile. There are a number of reasons as to why many adults choose to undertake orthodontic treatment such as:
•Not having access to braces when they were young
•Missing teeth or wisdom teeth coming through
•Facial structure shifts and other dental problems
Common Adult Dental Problems
Gum Disease
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Missing Teeth
Facial Imbalance
Healthy Smiles - Beyond Cosmetic
Braces can not only help to correct common dental problems, but also correct your facial alignment and create a youthful look! The way braces repositions your teeth can also affect the bone structure around your mouth. By correcting the alignment of your teeth, braces lift your lips and cheeks up, making the wrinkles around your nose and mouth disappear. Serving as a healthier and cheaper alternative to cosmetic surgery, braces can show your true beauty, not just in teeth, but your whole appearance.